Monday, May 19, 2008
First Name~ Jim
Nickname ~ Jimbo, Jimmy Neutron, Rhino, Badak
Birthday ~ 23 May 1991
Birthplace~ Kuala Terengganu
Time of Birth ~ 16 years, 5 days, a couple a hours, minutes, seconds ago...
Single or taken ~ single
Zodiac sign ~ Goat, Kambing
Your Appearance
How tall are you~ 5 feet 11
Wish you were taller ~ 6 feet which is just 1 more inch
Eye color ~ black
Eye color you want ~ black
Natural Hair color ~ black and white (uban a lot hahaha)
Current Hair color ~ black and white
Short or long hair ~ depends but long (male long) nice
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color ~ nope
Curly,Straight,Wavy~ dunno
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair ~ just shape it to style i want
Glasses or contacts ~ my eye sight are fine thank you
Do you wear make-up ~ not at face is the make up hehe
Ever had hair extensions ~ do i need it??? lolz
Paint your nails~ helo i'm a guy and not a JRock fan...
In The Opposite Gender
What color eyes ~ anything
What color hair ~ anything accept any of the rainbow colour
Shy or Outgoing~ i prefer shy...but outgoing is still ok
Looks or personality ~ both (being honest)
Sexy or Cute ~ cute
Serious or Fun~ fun and sometimes serious
Older or Younger than you ~ younger
This or That
Flowers or Chocolate ~ flowers
Pepsi or Coke ~ Coke
Rap or Rock ~ Rock
Relationship or One night stand ~ relationship
School or Work ~ school
Love or Money ~ Love
Movies or Music~ can't live without movies...can't breath without music hahaha
Country or City~ country first, city second
Sunny or Rainy days ~ cloudy
Friends or Family ~ family
Have you ever Lied ~ who doesn't
Stole something ~ yea
Smoked ~ nope
Hurt someone close to you ~ again for the second time, who doesn't
Broke someone's heart ~ for the third time, who doesn't
Had your heart broken ~ certainly
Wish you were a prince/princess ~ not even a chance
Liked someone who was taken ~ nope
Shaved your head ~ why would i do that swt
Been in love~ certainly
Used chopsticks ~ yes of course...
Sang in the mirror to yourself ~ yes :)
Flower ~ any flowers
Candy~ ice cream
Color ~ Black and White
Musical Instrument~ Guitar
Movie ~ love them...
Series~ anime
Singer ~ more to band, united...
Word ~ "live yourself"
Junk food ~ i eat almost anything...
Website ~ my blog, HG blog :)
Location~ my sweet town KT
Food ~ Hokkien Mee :P
Animal~ Dog...all animals
Ever cried over someone ~ yes
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself ~ dunno, i am what i am :)
Do you think you're attractive ~ haha u think leh
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose ~ i dun like farytale...lies
Do you play any sports ~ football, badminton, volleyball, basketball, almost all the sport that has balls...lolz...
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people
1. i'm a guy
2. i'm not agua
3. i dun smoke
4. i'm a christian
5. i like to eat
6. i play guitar
7. i play a lot of sports
8. i dun like being tagged with long and unbenefitial tags...
People i tagged
1. i dun want to trouble people accept...haha no one i guess

Another movie i recently watch was Ah Long was a great movie...from two producer company group, rain tree production from singapore and double vision from malaysia, that movie i can it was a success...directed by the all best Jack Neo, Ah Long private limited is about.........ah long la lolz...

With comedies added into the movie it will make u laugh all the way...but knowing Jack Neo, all the movies directed by him always relates to the social problems and the turth story about people and also the moral value...which is no different for this movie...this movie simply shows the lifestyle of ah long and wat people around them think of them...well again i'm lazy to tell you all about it...its either u watch it or u click on this link where u can find more info on it :) hmm... want say wat somemore.....nothing else already lah...will update more later :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
Can't wait man!!!!!!


or i can say my PADI multipurpose bag...i use it for school, sports, dive even travel it...
the view of the main land from the dive centre...
the view of the island from the boat (on the way home)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I'V3 B33n TaGG3d!!!!
oh ya...thanks jeff...
here it goes....
The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player than tags 5 people and posts their names, than goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they done got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
What was I doing 10 years ago ( 1998)?
1. watching barney
2. learn how to add 1+1
3. playing police and thief...
4. crying
5. pretend to be sick, so that can escape school lol...
5 things on my to-do list today
1. visit HG blog
2. read people's blog untill realize i was tagged...
3. listen to Hillsong.
4. Play badminton.
5. waste time...
5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Cincau
2. fruits (i called that snacks :p)
3. keropok
4. potato chips.
5. butter cookies...
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Buy unit trust (invest)
2. Buy my first electric guitar...
3. Build a church
4. take my driving licence as well as get a car...
5. Expand HG...
5 of my bad habits
1. burping
2. spiting during sports...
3. bully my dog.
4. wrongly use the word 'come back' and 'go back'
5. butter fingers, legs, mouth or in other words clumsy...
5 place i have lived
1. Permin Jaya, Chendering.
2. Batu Buruk.
3. Kuala Ibai.
4. in a car...(spend a whole day travelling>consider living lah)
5. in tent...(which was put up in my room lol)
5 jobs I've had
1. salesman
2. technical assistant to my dad.
3. commercial diver.
4. sui yi
5. eater...
5 people I tag: (hehehehe this is interesting hahaha)
1. chung
2. davidlws
3. michelle chee
4. Steven Tan
5. adeline lee...
good luck for being tagged....hehe now i can sleep...zzzzzz
Saturday, April 26, 2008
AW! My BoDy....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'm B@cK!!!!!!!
anyway this is one of the major event of my club so......yea.....(speachless 0_o so long no blogging like that lor)
Well to cut the story short, i partner with Nelson in boys doubles and Sook Yee in the mix double category...well, wat can i say bout badminton tournaments accept from me playing badminton SWT!... So i played and played and played untill......I won the boys double category...dont look down me OK hehehe... but lost in the mix category...well i think thats all i can say bout the tournament....
Football tournament in coming up this Friday and hoping to win it...My team did a kind of "out of the mind" type of decision...which is that if lose in this tournament, we need to 'botakan' our kepala...i repeat 'BOTAK'...wasn't my idea but wat to wants it that many of us make it as a motivation to win cause dun want the saloon be full of kepala botak later...(if u get wat i meant)
Can u imagine, someone comes to you an interview you, "what brings the motivation for your team to win this tournament?" and we will answer "we dont want to be botak" it will be like 5X SWT!!!! hahaha...teenage life, all sorts of stuff happens...
I'll update after the football u will know whether my head is a desert or jungle lolz...i will put in pics also later on....sry for the loooonnng 'sleep' in this blog...been busy lately...
so chaoz...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
HiS G3n3r@tIoN AttAcKs PaInTB@LL!!!!!
great great sports....makes u sweat A LOT!!!! love to play again...hahaha...this time i want to make people taste the paint...hahaha (evil laugh) and also the PAIN!!! hehehe...
i'm the one in green
getting ready
game ON!!!!!
some are unlucky enough to get shot right at the face HAHAHA
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Current members...

Me,Jim (guitarist) hmmm....know wat to say bout me already lah.... :)
Julia (guitarist,basist,drummer,pianist,vocalist)Julia! I shall she is one talented girl...know to play almost all types of instrument!!! "Very Niceeee....."
Caleb (drummer,bassist)Caleb, 15 years old but body like 13 years old haha jk jk...this kid is extreme!!! Keep on Rocking Man!!!!
Ping Keat (bassist,vocalist)very quiet person...but friendly :) i guess he likes photography..want to know why???ask him
Clement!!! (guitarist,pianist,vocalist)dont know this guy??how can u...his the one and only digicelebriteen! his voice POWER GILA!!!
Christina-san(vocalist)she has this sweet sweet voice...very very kind girl and fun to be with :)
Eric (sound,intrument technitian)Och or Eric we call him...the most fun guy to be with...likes food and fishing...he has been i can say very very faithful to the Youth Ministry...
The Future!!!!
Wei Lim(future guitarist) this guy hyper active one...mouth non stop opening...wat ever people say like to menyampuk haha...(sengaja put this pic one XD)
Kent(guitarist)erm.....this one i dun know how to say hahaha...
jun3 (pianist,vocalist)very quiet girl...never talk much one but always layan u with a smile :)
Willert(guitarist) from the face u know wat already la hor?? lolz...very very innocent guy...smiling all the way everytime u see him...
Jason(bassist)this is jeffery brother...his size is twice jeffereys...beginner bassist already use epiphone thunderbird...keep up the practice bro!!!
Well thats it i guess...well first conclusion is that, the crazy pics are not their real characters lah XD...haha...anyway they are the one that bring HG to this thank you Lord for being with this people !!!! So, do come for His Generation!!! we will be welcoming u always!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
HuNGrY FoR IT!!!! I WaNT t0 B3 BaCK aGaIn!!!!
Now i really can't wait to be fire up again....i can't wait to shout to God....i will start the fire now and this coming Friday i will make sure fuel is added into it so that the fire will burn brightly....YEAH!!!! God! receive me again....Pour down your love and spirit into me!!!! HG I will shine this coming Friday...Just wait and see....I want to let everyone know that i am fire up for God and WORSHIP Him only...Him only....The time has come for REVIVAL!!!!