Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm B@cK!!!!!!!

Wow...its been ages since i've updated my blog and here i am FINALLY adding something to this blog....well recent event was the LCDS Badminton SUper Series haha > "Super Series" make it so pro like that lolz....
anyway this is one of the major event of my club so......yea.....(speachless 0_o so long no blogging like that lor)

Well to cut the story short, i partner with Nelson in boys doubles and Sook Yee in the mix double category...well, wat can i say bout badminton tournaments accept from me playing badminton SWT!... So i played and played and played untill......I won the boys double category...dont look down me OK hehehe... but lost in the mix category...well i think thats all i can say bout the tournament....
Football tournament in coming up this Friday and hoping to win it...My team did a kind of "out of the mind" type of decision...which is that if lose in this tournament, we need to 'botakan' our kepala...i repeat 'BOTAK'...wasn't my idea but wat to do....team wants it that way...so many of us make it as a motivation to win cause dun want the saloon be full of kepala botak later...(if u get wat i meant)
Can u imagine, someone comes to you an interview you, "what brings the motivation for your team to win this tournament?" and we will answer "we dont want to be botak" it will be like 5X SWT!!!! hahaha...teenage life, all sorts of stuff happens...

I'll update after the football tournament...so u will know whether my head is a desert or jungle lolz...i will put in pics also later on....sry for the loooonnng 'sleep' in this blog...been busy lately...
so chaoz...

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