Wednesday, January 2, 2008

TiNy CiTy KT!!!!

1st Jan was not just new year but also a "big" day for Kuala Terengganu...Kuala Terengganu has been announced a City O_0...can't believe right...a town which was known as the most boring (but peaceful thats why i like it) is now a city..."The town has long been known as a sleepy hallow and has been lagging behind other major towns in terms of development. ">>this text was from the thestar wat has KT have to deserve this status..lets see...
>we do not have a cinema
>we do not have a mall
>we have plenty plenty of mosque (where the government spend billions on it)
>we are lack of entertaiment
>terengganu drivers drive like old 100 years man...

hmmm...actually not to humilate how bad is KT lah but, KT just don't deserve the status...Kuantan had ask for the status twice but was denied..why KT can one...funny...but nevermind bout that...not my head to worry bout this type of matter...just suprise!

but on the 1st night, the town was jam...every street was filled with cars...that! is like real city lolz...i didn't went to the site where the launch the city state...but u can see lah, spot like shining everywhere..this time got fireworks...loads of them...they shoot the fireworks from 3 different places (patutlah no money to buy anymore fireworks for new year countdown) but didn't get a good view of it sob sob...

all the roads are jam...very very rare for this to happen in kt...

here is a good view of the fireworks...just got a few shots before my battery died...sui like wat...

this one got block by tree..especially the coconut...haih so troublesome...

i hope this bandaraya thingy does notc change the peaceful quiet Kuala Terengganu that all of Kt people love...

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